Get Out of the Rut - Episode # 16
The Power of the 1-Page Report
Hey guys, welcome to the podcast. I am happy to be here with you. I was just taking a walk with my little puppy. And every time I go out in this cold, cold winter in New England, I am reminded of the sense of gratitude to a really good friend of mine who reminded me that I should not get a puppy in December.
I was so excited to get a puppy from Santa Claus, you know, Christmas time for my kids. And she said, Please don't do that. It's the hardest thing, because you do have to walk this puppy all the time, and when it's zero degrees, it's very painful, and every time I walk him, like, once or twice a day, I'm reminded that It would be so much harder if I had to take him every 30 minutes outside to be potty trained. Anyways, that's what I was doing just now before I came here. So, if I'm still shivering, that's why it was very cold with him.
Anyways, today I want to talk to you about something that has been a It's a total game changer in my life, and I really do believe it can be a game changer to you, too. I have been teaching this concept to my clients.
I studied last year, and some of them really got into this and really started doing this one page report, and I noticed how different they are. And the difference comes from being so much more focused in their lives in general.
So I say that, uh, when someone starts working with me, I love when they have a goal and we can work very clearly towards that goal. But many of my clients, they come to me just wanting that sense of fulfillment, right? They have everything they could possibly want in their lives, and they just want to feel a little bit happier. And if that is the goal, we need to keep in mind everything that you do in your life needs to be targeted with can I feel more fulfilled, right, living this life that I have today? How can I find more happiness and fulfillment with this?
And this concept of one page report, I learned from my mentor, Ben Hardy. He's the author of many books. I have been working with him for the last four years or so, and I have been doing this one page report on a monthly basis and a yearly basis.
I talked to you a little bit last week with my year end review. It's a lot of the same concepts, right, like really evaluating how your ear was, and really reframing to make it so that past can be served as a tool. tool for you to propel you forward, propel your future, right, to really achieve the goals that you want because of the past that you had.
We can't just change the past, but we can reframe it. We can change the meaning that we give to the past. It depends on how you're seeing it right now. So that's what I would love to talk to you. And again, if you don't have a set goal, what I find hard to believe you don't, because most people, I would say 90 percent of people in January, they do have the new year resolution and, or even just a regular goal.
But we know that by February, we don't have that anymore. And this one page report, especially if you do it on the, uh, Monthly basis. You will keep those goals in your priorities in check, right? You will be reminded of what it is that you are working towards, even if it's not a concrete goal, even if the goal is just to I want to be happier, that would work, too.
So if you're like me in the beginning of the year, it feels like It's full of possibilities, right? We set goals, we dream big. But let's be honest, how many of those goals you actually stick to it, right? How many of those goals you will actually do something? By February, life happens, plans change, everything has been forgotten, or at least most of those things have been forgotten.
Does it sound familiar to you? This is exactly what the one, you know, Page report will change will shift the way you see it. This is not about setting goals. It's really about staying connected with them by simplifying your focus and making that this constant progress for you to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.
So let's dive in. I will show you how this works in a very simple, easy, impactful, and I dare say fun. Now, here's the thing. Don't let this, such a simple process, make it so you don't see the value of it. Really try doing this a couple of times, even if it's, you know, just two or three months, and allow yourself to see how much clarity you can gain from this process.
So how do we do this? First of all, let's start with the past. You know that I love reflecting about your past because it can feel a little bit tricky at times. Here's the thing. The past does not define you. You define the past. Let me explain to you how this works. Most people think that the past is fixed, like set in stone, but it's not.
The meaning of the past is determined by how you frame it. that past in this future today. I want you to think of the past like a draft. It's not perfect, but you get to revise it. You'll get to decide what parts of it serves you and what parts you want to let go. Now, we all forget things about the past.
It's normal for you to forget. And a lot of times you hold on to things that don't really serve you. This process, when you sit down and reflect about what happened, it's where you have that time to reflect. Reflect and create what it is that you want to carry on with you when you create your one page report for the past.
You're not rewriting just a novel where you're creating those highlight reels. Have you seen Instagram when someone like people? I wish I knew how to do those things, but they really. get, uh, several pictures going on really, really quickly on this reel. And it's like the whole year or the whole month of what happened in that month.
And they have all of those different pictures going on at the same time. Well, they're not picking up all the harsh hardship that they have gone through, right? They're not picking up. Most times I don't see it like just the crying, the yelling, the fights. No, especially when you're highlighting that on Instagram, you're picking the 30 pictures that like, The best, right, the best time of your life.
When you went to Europe, when you went on this beautiful exotic trip, when you have this amazing food at fancy restaurants, and it makes it seem like that's your life. That's what happens every single day. Well, we know it's not, right, but that is the type of thing we want to do with this one page report.
When you look at the past, what are those five star everything that happened that you want to keep, carry on with you? So just think of What were the three or four most important things that you have learned? You can do this for the full year like we did last week on that. You're in reveal, or you can just do for the last month.
What are these two or three things that you really learned that you wanted to stay with you? What were the wins that you wanted to celebrate? What are the moments that shaped you? Here's an example. Last year, I had some really big wins in my business. But also I have some moments where I felt so stuck that I was constantly crying.
It felt like every time I got in a call with my life coach, I was crying. But instead of focusing on how frustrating that was, I had to sit down and reframe this to see it as lessons. What I learned that now we created more clarity because I went through that process, because I cried so much. What did I learn that has changed my limiting beliefs?
Remember that the past is not a limitation. It is truly a tool that you can use to grow. Now that we have framed the past, let's talk about priorities. And let me say this loud and clear. If everything is a priority, nothing is. This part of the one page report is about narrowing down your focus. What are the three things that matter the most to you right now?
Not five, not ten, only three. For me, my priorities this year are family, business, and health. These are not specific goals, but they are guiding lights for how I make decisions. For example, if I'm tempted to work late at night, I have to remind myself, No, wait. Family is a priority, right? Family is more important than a job, or family is more important than the business.
Family is the priority. That means I need to create the boundaries so I can show up fully for my kids and my partner when I'm not working. So think for yourself now, what about you? What are the three priorities that you have? Maybe it's health, maybe it's your relationships, or maybe it's a passion project that you've been putting off.
Write it down, and Truly keep it simple. Every time you try to make it too hard, too difficult, you'll almost stop everything, right? That's when the overwhelm comes in. Keep it simple. And remember, if everything is a priority, nothing is. Focus on what matters most. And the priorities can shift. It can shift throughout the year.
As you're growing and learning and evolving, you might see things that maybe you want to add more time to that specific thing or less time to other things. It's important for you to know, to be clear, what are the focus? What is the focus for you this year? Now let's talk about the most empowering part of this one page report.
Revealing your past month. Here's the thing. It's not just about dreaming big and writing down lofty goals for your future self. It's about using that one page report to look back at what actually happened, reflect on how far you've come, and reframe everything through the lenses of growth and success.
You need to learn how to look at your past through those lenses. You need to learn how to see everything that happened. The frustrations, the laziness, right, the things that you didn't do as well as you thought you would do. How can you look at this? Through the lenses of growth and success. When you reveal the past, you're highlighting the wins, big and small.
That shows that you are moving so much closer to your goals. It's easy to focus on what didn't go as you planned, or to feel like you're not doing enough, but that's not helpful, and it's not true. This is the chance that you have to truly reframe your past. Instead of listing every details, or beating yourself up for things that didn't work, I really want you to ask yourself, what did I accomplish this month that I'm proud of?
What progress did I make, even if it feels small? And how can I see challenges that I faced as stepping stones for growth? This is where the magic of reframing comes in. Maybe you didn't hit a specific goal, but you learned something valuable that will help you hit the next time. Maybe you took a small but meaningful step towards that bigger vision.
All of that counts. The one page report isn't just about what happened, it's about how you choose to see it. It's your chance to reframe the past as a series of wins that are moving you closer to your goals. Let me give you an example. Let's say that your goal of growing your coaching business this month, maybe you didn't land as many clients as you want.
Instead of focusing on that, reframe it. You had meaningful conversations with potential clients. You show up consistently on social media and shared your message. You learned something new about your audience needs, right? All of those things, the same thing happened, but how you see it makes all the difference.
It's the same thing if you were, let's say, losing weight. Maybe you didn't reach the goal that you wanted, but did you eat more vegetables? Or did you have an eating plan that was more aligned with the goals that you have? Maybe you did dedicate more time to exercise and that made you feel a little bit better about your health and your body and everything.
So what happened that even though you didn't achieve your goal, What happened that it's really guiding you closer to the goal? When you write your one page report, you're telling the story of your progress. You're looking at your past month and saying, this is how much closer I am to becoming the person I wanted to be.
This practice isn't about ignoring setbacks. It's about seeing them for what they really are. Part of your journey. It's about training your brain to focus on growth, to celebrate your wins, and to recognize how far you've already come. So, as you sit down to write your report, remember, you're the one who gets to decide how you view the past.
Make it a story that inspires and empowers you to keep going. Every month, you're writing the story of your progress. Make it a story of growth, of resilience and wins, because that's what you want to carry forward. Okay, now this is my favorite part, and it's all about the future self. In this part, I want you to picture the person you wanted to become at the end of the year, or even at the end of next month.
What does she look like? What does she value? What, what has she accomplished? This one page report is your chance to create that vision. Write it as if it already happened. Be specific, be bold. For example, let's say that your future self has started a coaching business. In your report, you might write, I built a thriving business where I can help clients transform their lives.
I show up with confidence, I'm constantly working in my marketing, and I'm in love with the impact that I'm making. This isn't just about dreaming, it's about guiding your present. When you have a clear picture of your future, your decisions today become so much easier. Your future self isn't someone who you'll be a few years from now.
She's someone you bring to this present. And if your goal is on weight loss or relationship, really go there to where you have already achieved it. And if you want to make it even more powerful, how have you changed this next month? Go to the end of the next month and then look back as your future self and tell yourself what happened, right?
If it is the relationship with your partner, I am going to better dates with my partner. I am having a better connection right now. I do love spending this time with this person, right? You make it as it already happened and you can just. Understand what your mind is creating, right? What is possible for you for this month or for the year that you want to create, uh, seeing your future self now.
So why is this method so powerful? Let me break it down to you. It simplifies your focus. You're not trying to juggle a million things. You're focused on the few things that truly matter. It also keeps you connected to your goals. By revising your one page report regularly, Your goals stay alive and actionable.
And I will tell you, I will teach my clients how to do this every single week. I know that this one page report you're writing for the month, but truly, as every week you have a meeting with yourself, and you reread everything that you wrote, you revisit everything that you're saying, it truly keeps you aligned and connected with the goal.
It makes those goals stay alive. And also, it helps you adapt. Life changes, and so your goals, as you evolve, your goals have to evolve. And if you just set a goal at the beginning of the year, uh, I want to lose 30 pounds by December 2025, right? Let's say that that is the goal. And then if you just keep the goal as if it's set in stone, either you feel depleted at the end of the year of, why didn't I achieve this goal?
And then you think that it's because you're just not good enough. But if you are revisiting the goal on a monthly basis and really reading these reports that you're writing, You understand that sometimes you feel a lot more stressed out than other times. And maybe the best way you have found to guide yourself through a stressful situation was to overeat.
That could be the most loving thing you did to yourself. So then you can shift the goals. So maybe the goal is not to lose weight. The goal is to manage your emotions a little bit better, right? That's what I say about drafting the goals so it can be easier to adapt. This one page report is a living document and it should evolve with you.
And you should be evolving. You shouldn't be static, right? I have this goal and that's the only thing I can think of. It should adapt a little bit. It should change. Another point that I really believe this one page report works is because it strengthens your relationship with the future self. When you're clear about where you are going, it's easier to make decisions today that will align with that vision.
The bigger the vision, The bigger the decisions. And you want to grow that. You want to grow the vision you have for your future. Okay, so let's see how you do this. Here's how you create that one page report today. First of all, you reflect on the past. You write down three key lessons, three or four key lessons or wins from this last month.
You define your priorities. That's the second step. You really create those three main priorities and focus that you want to have for this year. The third point is that you reveal the past. You really go through with the lenses of growth and gratitude. Or even I like to say that evolution and evaluation, right?
You want to evolve, you want to evaluate what has happened so you can allow yourself to evolve into this better version of yourself. And the fourth thing is that you draft your future. You write this one page vision for who you will be at the end of the month or the year. I really want you to keep this simple.
Keep it clear and truly keep it fun. It's really cool. And especially when you know that at the end of the year, you will have these 12 pages that you can look through and see your progress. It is very cool. Now, remember, this process is not about perfection. It's about progress. You know that I love perfection.
I really do, but it's about that progress. Your life is a draft and you want to keep on refining it. So, I want to invite you to try this one page report for yourself. I want you to reflect on your past. I want you to clarify your priorities. I want you to dream big about your future. And if you need support, I am here.
I'm here to support you. We can even get on a call and do this report together. We can reflect on this together. I would love to sit down with you and do it with you. So, you can really see it. How powerful this can be. Okay guys, that's it for today. This is the one page report I wanted to share with you.
This has truly changed my life. It really helped me stay focused on what matters most for me. It helped me even shift my Priority sometimes, right? I think it was 2023. One of my main priority, I wouldn't even say one of, my main priority was to make six figures in my business. And I was focused and I was clear and I did, I went for it and I made it.
And then I realized that my priorities were off. That's not what I wanted to be focused on, right? I have these three small kids that I love so much. My family is so amazing. That is what I wanted to be my priority. And I was able to shift. And the only reason, the only reason I was able to make this shift was because of this one page report.
And no one could give me that clarity. I like to say we all want more clarity in our lives, but you are the only one who can give yourself the clarity. People have come to me and said that, oh, money is not as important. Family is so much more important. And I was like, oh yeah, sure. Give me the money. I want you to have a successful business, right?
That was the vision that I had until that clarity came from me. When I was writing it down, when I was really looking through my wins and things that I was having and building in my life, that clarity came where There's not amount of money that can be more important than my children to me right now.
And that's why my priority has changed, right? That's why this year, my main priority is that family and then the business and then, you know, well, health and then business. But no one can give you that clarity, only you. And I really hope you sit down and, uh, Go through this process, do these four things to really write down, you know, this reflection of what it is that you are doing and what it is that you are creating.
And again, if you need any help, I'm more than happy to sit down with you and do this together. So thank you so much for tuning in today. I can't wait to hear how this works for you. Remember that you are absolutely capable of creating a life that you love. One that feels aligned. It feels meaningful and exciting.
Thank you I will see you next week where we will talk more about impossible goals and why they are the key to creating this fulfilling life. Until then, keep dreaming. I love you. I will talk to you next week. Bye bye.