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2024 - A Year in Review: How Reflection Shapes the Future

In this episode, I’m sharing my personal year-in-review for 2024—a year that felt like living five years in one. I’ll take you behind the scenes of my biggest accomplishments, lessons learned, and how reflection has shaped my business and personal life. 

I’ll also walk you through my favorite framework for doing your own year-in-review so you can step into 2025 with clarity, intention, and excitement.

This year, I’ve accomplished more than I ever thought possible, and in this episode, I want to share all about it with you.

Key Takeaways:

⭐ Why doing a year-in-review is so important before planning your next year.

⭐ How I use my phone’s photo gallery to jog my memory and reflect month-by-month.

⭐ My biggest lessons from 2024, including how self-trust changed everything for me.

⭐ How Debbie Shadid’s mentorship transformed my mindset and business.

⭐ How to identify what you want more of in 2025 from an abundant mindset.

I can't wait to see what you create this new year! But remember to use your past as a tool to propel you forward! That's exactly what we will do together in this episode. 

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Get Out of the Rut - Episode # 15

2024 - A Year in Review: How Reflection Shapes the Future

 Guys, welcome to the podcast. I'm so excited to be here with you today. And today, what I really want to do is talk to you all about what happened this year for me. This was such a big year, one of the best years for me, especially in business. And I thought of doing a whole year in review on the podcast because I do this every year.

And it's something that I use it on my framework that I teach my clients, but especially for myself, it's what I really do believe those reviews really changed the trajectory of my business. And I do this weekly. I do this monthly. I do this yearly. And I should say that I do it quarterly. I don't necessarily because I do monthly, but not even thinking about this, especially if you're in business, but even in general life, have you read the book, the 12 week year?

It's so good. And I got so involved with them that I am doing it next year. I'm really planning my year now. Family and business and everything by quarter, right, instead of a full year and really using the quarter as a year and accomplishing more in that quarter than you do for the four years. I did it a little bit in the fourth quarter of this year, and it was amazing  for my business.

It was so good that I'm excited to do this again. It's starting in January. So if you are a business owner, and if you haven't, read this book, I would tell you to please go and get it. Anyways, have you ever felt like you accomplished more in one year than you did like in five years combined, right? That is how I truly feel about 2024.

And again, especially in business, that was my focus this year. And it feels like I lived five years just now. I feel like I've grown five years just in this year alone. And because I'm not so good in marketing or not even marketing, I wouldn't say, but not so good in like sending emails on a weekly basis and doing this like connection with you all, even the podcast, right?

Like I don't necessarily record it on a weekly basis. I really want two things. First of all, to let you know what happened this year, because if you haven't been, you know, following me very closely, like if you're not a client, the way we talk a little bit more, you don't quite know what has happened. But also because I want to become this 2.

0 version of, you know, an entrepreneur. And one of the things that I want to do is to be more transparent and really share what is happening in my personal life and in my business life.  So you can see what is happening, right? So you can see how someone grows a business the way I'm growing. And I have a lot of coaches who are also clients, especially with Debbie Shadid and her programs.

And I just want to share a little bit more so you can see how, you know, it works for me. Talking about Debbie, she is a huge part of my life, especially this year. I just need to say a huge thank you, how much I have grown because of her, right? With her support, with her mentorship, and just to say how important it is to have a coach and a mentor, I would not be here if it wasn't for her, truly.

The way she has trusted me, even when I didn't trust myself, has made all the difference. And it was to a point where she was on a Zoom call with me, really shaking me and saying, you have to believe in yourself a little bit more than you're doing because I need you. And I was like, oh my gosh, yeah, sure.

Sorry.  Sorry, I had some limiting beliefs, but let me step up and go to that level where you are so we can work together. And this experience that I've had with her, Has changed everything for me, has changed how I view a mentor and how important that is. So if you don't have a coach or a mentor, a therapist, right?

If you don't have someone that it's kind of that partner walking the journey with you, independent of business, of life, of weight loss, marriage, whatever it is, whatever there is a place in your life.  I would highly suggest that you find a mentor that can truly walk with you and do this journey, right, with you as a partner.

So that is the first thing that I wanted to do with when I was really sitting down and doing this evaluation of my year and a year in review and really, Writing down all the accomplishments that I have created. The main thing that kept coming back and I kept writing as gratitude, it was Debbie and her programs are amazing as you probably already know.

But if you're creating a business, if you want to create a coaching business, she's definitely the strategist that would help you taking everything that you have to the whole next level. So that's just the beginning of this.  My dad, he has a little saying that since little girl, when I lived with them, and even now when he comes to visit, he will say the same thing every single night, and I want to share with you.

He will hug us, and he will say, Hey, if today was really, really good, guess what? Tomorrow will be even better. And every night, right? And now we kind of answer, Hey, if today was good, tomorrow is going to be so much better. I can't even wait for tomorrow. And it's just a silly little thing that he does. But it really gets us excited for the next day.

And sometimes the day is awful, right? Sometimes, like, nothing works the way you want. And he comes in and says, Hey, if today was good, it wasn't good. Oh, that's okay. Tomorrow will be so much better.  And it's just a little mindset that he uses that has helped me so much. And this year, it's truly how I'm feeling.

Just this week, as I'm writing my plans for next year, really guiding of what I want to create and what type of person I want to be, what are the qualities that I want to possess for next year. And it just got my whole heart filled with this. Okay. If this year was this great, I can't even imagine what next year will be.

And that is how I am getting into this new year. So you will probably be listening to this. Already in 2025, but I wanted to set the stage where I wanted you to really see what is possible for you to have the mindset for next year. So if you are losing weight and you feel stuck and you feel depleted, I just wanted to think of, you know, if this year I learned so much in 2024, I have learned so much next year, you'll be so much better because now you can apply everything that you have learned.

Okay, that is the mindset I would invite you to start creating to get into the next year.  So I create a whole document with this year in review, and it's just a few questions that I ask myself. And I didn't necessarily learn this anywhere, but December is a month that I really kind of slow down everything that I have been doing.

And I focus on this. I focus on learning what I have created and what I want to create the next year. And I wanted to share with you, I wanted to share this framework that I created this way that I do. and also for you to do it yourself. I think it doesn't matter when you do it. Actually, as I told you, I suggest my clients to do it in a weekly basis and a monthly basis.

And then in this yearly basis, but just do whatever you want, right? But I do suggest you take some time because you can create something new. If you're carrying all the traumas from your past, right? If you're taking all the narrative that you have about what the year was and moving to the next year. You can't really create anything new.

You just keep on recreating the same thing. So this is the time for you to stop for a little bit, look back, look to your past, and really reframe and really figure out a better story of that story can take you forward. This year, for me, as I said, it was a very amazing year, but because my mindset was in the right place.

Because it was also the year where I got sick more than ever. I have been sick since October, on and off, my whole family, really. And I could have used that as, oh my gosh, I can't even work that much because I have been so sick. And like, when I say sick, it's no voice kind of sick, right? Even recording this podcast, I have to stop a little bit and mute myself and start coughing and take some water and keep on going.

So I could be focused on that for my health. year in review. I could be focused on how hard it was that I had some problems with some people that I really, really love. And I, you know, some relationships were broken and I could be focused on that area and it wouldn't be a very nice year. So instead, I'm not saying that those things didn't happen, but I need to reframe in a way where it propels me to create something even better.

Like the fact that I've been so sick and I wasn't able to fully deliver in one of my offers. I could be very depressed and embarrassed about this, and instead what I did was reframe in such a way that I am giving, I'm over, like, super over delivering to those clients that have paid me for the offer. I'm doing things that I, it was like, I'm thinking about of gifting them with so much more than what they've paid for, because I want to have the identity of someone who over delivers no matter what.

I don't want to have the identity of, Oh my gosh, I can't even do this. So I need to reframe because it's just how you see it. There's nothing necessarily to do with you. It's your perception about your life. So let me walk through how I do this. I think I separated it in three different parts that I walk you through of how to do your whole year in review.

So the first thing that we do. And I will give you some prompts just to get your brain fired up. But it's important that you get to your year month by month and see what has happened. A lot of times it's just like a big blur. We kind of mush the whole year, this whole 12 months in one thing, right? So my year was good.

My year was bad. My year was, you know, and then you pick one thing that you didn't accomplish and you get the whole year into one thing. I didn't achieve my goal. Therefore, I'm bad. So instead of doing this, I really want you to focus on how have you grown this year? What is different in 2024 from 2023? 

Another way for you to think this, it's go back to January. Think of what you're doing in January, like maybe a trip that you've taken or something they've done in January. And just think of like, what has happened that I'm so different now, right? Those little things just help you move a little bit your brain to see a little bit more specifically what has happened month by month. 

A great tip that I use, and I do this every single year, is to go through my phone.  I use an iPhone so I can separate it by month. And I go back to January and I look, you know, all the pictures and what has happened. Now when I was doing this,  I was very impressed that I have forgotten something huge that happened in my business.

Like one of those before and after events, right, happened in January for me. I hosted a summit for over 500 women. I was guiding over 30 coaches and I was helping them create their talks and editing it with them and creating the marketing with them. And all of those things have happened over 500 women.

And I completely forgot if it wasn't for this year in review. So those things like those accomplishments you want to keep in the forefront of your mind and that's how you do it. So every now and then we'll forget those big things that happen. So go back to your phone and look at all those pictures and kind of get your brain working.

Now do this before you plan your next year. Typically around this end of the year, we try to plan the whole next year and you think that would be great, right? Like our next year. You'd be amazed. You have no plans to do anything different. But we have this impression that next year is my year. Well, it starts with you looking at this first.

The year that you just ended, look through and really find these accomplishments, the wins, the changes. How much have you grown this year that you have lived? And then you plan the next year. So don't skip this step. It's extremely important for you. And again, you want to create it deliberately. The new year, you want to create it deliberately.

You want it to really pick the little points that you want to grow, that you want more of. And that's how you do it, right? You need to first know where you are. And this is looking month by month. You really get the idea of where I am right now. And then where do I want to go? The next step for this is for you to, again, look at those wins that you've had.

I touched it a little bit on this, but pay attention to the things that you have grown. How have you changed? I will share with you some of mine because when I was doing my own documents, when I was writing those things down, I was impressed and I would forget things. And then it's like, Oh yes, I did this and add a little bit more.

And so, I personally use the whole month of December. Every Friday morning, I will sit down, I open the same Google Doc that I have created, and I add more things that I keep on remembering during the week that I, it skipped my mind. Okay, so let me share with you a little bit of things that I have done this year.

One of them is that I hired a life coach. coach. She has known me for about five years now. We've been working together on and off, but I hired her specifically for one reason. And when I hired her, I said, I want to work on the self trust. There are a lot of things that I want to do that I don't feel like I can trust myself that those things will be done.

And that was the whole six months that we worked on. And it was actually, I would say the whole year, cause I'm still working with her. I think I might have resigned with her and done this for a full year, but we have been working the self trust and self belief, and it's the only thing that we talked about, right, where I'm not trusting myself, and where do I need to have more trust, and I just realized that the thought of I am capable and I'm capable.

I'm capable. Has been ingrained in my mind lately that I didn't have that before. Like I'm capable of doing whatever I want. I have this fire within me right now because I know I'm capable. And that came, I don't want to say they came because of her, because it's not fair to give her credit. But it did come because of the work we did together.

And I am so grateful that we did this. So again, I invite you to get one area of your life that you can see that it's a little bit off, that it's not super aligned with the person that you know you are and work on that specifically. Okay, that is one thing that has changed my life that I did this year was to focus on my self trust.

What else did I do? Just a bullet points that I did. I will share with you. I'm so proud of myself. This is all about business and how much I have created in business. So I have created four different courses. I have done the business growth, self coaching, assessing plan. Successful woman think differently.

And all of those are done with Debbie Shotted. It's all in her program. If you're a business coach, if you're growing your business, don't walk, run to the website so you can get those courses. Those are so good. The business growth self coaching blown my mind. Like that one, I cannot quit. Every time I listen to those things, I cannot believe that I have created it.

I'm super proud of that specific one. But all of them, I think you were phenomenal courses. That, you know, when you finish something and you're like. This is perfect. This is amazing. Okay, that's how I feel about those courses. And that is another one of my qualities. Maybe it's a little bit of my perfectionism that I really do believe, that is a belief I have, that whatever I do, I do really well.

And that this is a proof that that works. Another course that I created, it's the Get Out of the Ruts. And this one's for my own private business. I love it. This was so much fun. Eight weeks together with nine clients and I loved every minute of it. This is the one that I got very sick in the middle of it.

So I actually haven't even finished it yet, but it will be done. And I have given my clients lots of gifts, lots of love. So they know that this will be done and they will receive everything that they paid for. Uh, I have coached over 300. hours of coaching,  373 hours to be exact, all in one on one coaching and group coaching.

I've helped 142 clients, 19 private clients. I just finished my ICF course and I'll be fully certified with the ICF by July next year. That's my very first goal that I wrote in July. I have recorded. I have 154 hours of content, and that is not even counting the social media content, right? That's just courses and things that I deliver to clients.

I have hosted one summit for over 500 women. I have participated in two summits, and I let go of some goals. I will record a whole podcast about this one day. How important it is for you to be so connected with yourself and the vision of your future self that letting go of goals is not shameful. It's actually something to be proud of because it's really hard to do.

And I let go of money goal. I finished this year with no, uh,  attachment whatsoever of how much money I've made, because when I was very focused on the money, I was working 75 hours a week. That was horrible. And working for so many different coaches too, that was very stressful. I let all of them go. I went all in with Debbie Shotted and we work together.

That is the only work that I have in my own business. And I am so grateful that I don't even work 40 hours a week anymore. That is so. Amazing to me,  and I've been so much more active in my kids lives, right, because I'm not so tied to the money goal, I was able to let go of this, you know, work, work, work mentality, and really spend more time with the kids, and I loved every minute of it.

So, go ahead and see it for yourself, right? If I didn't sit down and see what I have accomplished, I wouldn't know that I have coached more than 300 clients. I wouldn't even know. I think that was the thing that I did right that I have helped over a hundred and forty clients that is unbelievable. And I can only see that because I sat down and I counted.

I went through my calendar. I went through where I like my Stripe accounts and everything to see how many clients that are really helped this year. How many women? And, and. Knowing this, that I can do this, it's so much easier now for me to see, I can double this next year, I can triple, I can 10x all of this, because now I have a base of where I am right now.

The third part that I would love to talk to you, it's what do you want more of in 2025? Really pay attention to this question, what do you want more of?  When you see everything that you have created, and not from a place of scarcity, right? I want more money, or I want more clients, or I want a business, or I want to, not from the scarcity, but from this abundant place.

It's like, what else do I want here? What I want more of? What, what did I have here that was so great that I want even more? Doing this and seeing how much, how many hours of content I've created, I want more content because I notice how much I enjoy it. So I want to do more. Podcasting. I want to do YouTubes, right?

Even the coaching. I loved coaching so much. This is my heart. I love every time I can do coaching. I want you all for some more free and like pro bono coaching. I don't do this much. I think I finished the year with like three hours of pro bono. It was like, that's kind of ridiculous. I want to get more involved with companies that where I can coach their women for free just to help women achieve their goals.

I want to focus in one program. I still want my one on one coachings, but, uh, clients, one on one clients, but I really wanted to focus on one big program that I'm creating and I'm so excited about that. I will tell you more about this, but it's a whole year that you can work with me for very inexpensive because I want to be in integrity with them.

My mission of helping as many women as I can. So it wouldn't be a program. That's like five ten thousand dollars No, it's very inexpensive a full year of coaching with me because I want to serve you. I want to help you But as I want more I want more of trips by myself. I really loved spending time. Just Myself and I want more of that too.

Anyways, this things are a little bit of what I have created this year. I wanted to share with you so you know where I'm at in my business and my family, my life. And I want you to do that too. I really do believe when you sit down and you answer those questions you can really create and propel yourself for the next year.

So let me just give you a little summary of what I talked to you. First of all, start looking at photos, right? Recap what happened this year and then answer those questions. How have you grown this year? What is different now compared to the year prior? What was happening in the beginning of the year?

What are your wins, your accomplishments, your achievements? And then really sit down and start thinking about the future. What is it that I want more of for next year? And of course, at the end of this review, I like to ask myself, Questions like, what was the biggest lesson that I learned in 2024? Or if I could summarize this whole year in one word, what would that be? 

You can even summarize like every month as you're going through the reviews. Just, Say January, one word that defines that January, February. It's really fun for you to see what it is that you're doing. I hope you really do take the time to sit down and reflect on this year. I do believe that you need to have this clean slate to start something new.

Right? Really make sure to reframe this, to see the achievements, to see how much have you grown so that you can grow for next year, even more if you want to. The reflection really help us tell the story of our past with more intention, right? And then intention shapes how you step into the future. Now, truly, no matter how 2024 felt for you.

I want you to remember this. You are capable of achieving anything you want. It's the body you want, the business you want, the marriage you want, whatever it is that you want. You are capable of creating the impossible, but you need to believe that. So you need to really write down that story in your head first that will propel you forward.

And next year I have a treat for you. I do have a podcast that I will walk you through this framework that I have used for many years now. to really guide you how to stay focused in the goals that you have. And remember, you can shift your goals like I did in mine, but this is where it keeps you really held into what you want to create.

Okay, I love you so much. I cannot wait for you to see what I have planned for us in 2025. I'll see you next week. Much love. Bye.

By Thais Glenn March 20, 2025
"The journey of achieving your goal is where your life happens. It doesn’t start when you arrive." "When you go into a goal thinking there’s no other way but success, everything becomes simpler and more fun."
By Thais Glenn March 20, 2025
When you know deep down that success is inevitable, the journey stops feeling so hard. You’re just waiting for the results to catch up. If you see yourself as someone who struggles, you’ll keep struggling. But if you start seeing yourself as someone who thrives, your actions will start to align with that.
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