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Thais Glenn Coaching

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01. How it all Started

In this episode, I am sharing my journey and why I decided to become a life coach. 

So many things happened to me that drove me think I was broken or “less than,” until I realized so many women in my same walk of life feel the same way. 

So, I understand how the shame and guilt won't allow you to seek help to have a more fulfilling life.

This is my main purpose with this podcast. To help you see yourself in my words, and know that you are deserving of this beautiful life you created.

In this episode, I show you:

🌟 Why I decided to become a Life Coach

🌟 How I found my very first client

🌟 Why this work matters so much

I am a truly different person, and I have to say that I love myself a lot more now since I became more aware of my amazingness. 

And I hope I can teach you how to feel that same way towards yourself too.

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

– Eleanor Roosevelt 

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Get Out of The Rut - Episode #1

Hey, I'm back and I'm so glad you're here with me. 

If you don't know me yet, my name is Thais Glenn, and I am a host of this podcast. I did have a podcast before, a little bit, but due to some contractual problems, I had to take that down. Not a big deal. Just an employee that wasn't too happy with what I was speaking. And you know, sometimes you just need to let it be. 

But I am back and I'm so excited to be here. So let me just tell you why a podcast, why am I doing this again? I have to say that I love it. I love speaking on a microphone. I love to connect with people and I think this would be such a phenomenal way for me to get to know you, but also for you to get to know me. 

I have been coaching for about five years now. And when I say coaching for five years, I mean it. I am so blessed that I haven't only graduated for certification and then played around a little bit, trying to see how to do it. No, no, no. I have been focused and I have been coaching nonstop. This has been my full-time job since I finished certification four years ago. I probably have close to a thousand hours of coaching. I am so proud of myself, proud of my clients, proud of the transformations that I have seen. And I do get a little bit upset that I haven't really calculated how many hours I have worked. And that's one thing that I say to all of the new coaches is like, make sure you have a Where you can really track every single coaching session that you have, because it would be so much fun for me to know. So from now on, I am actually tracking it. 

So I will know for sure, but definitely I do have hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of coaching. And this is my calling. This is something that I absolutely love to do so. I'm just lucky that I have found what I wanted. And why do I have this such a close connection with podcasting? That's how I was introduced to coaching. So I was introduced to this self help world through books. I read my first book and I was like, holy cow, this is really good. I wonder why people are not really talking about this, like the skills that we learned. Because as soon as I finished a book, It was done.

It was over. It's not like I remembered all the concepts and tools and teaches and applied it in my life. It was just something that I was able to see that that was a very phenomenal thing. And that was it. It stopped right there. When I read this first book, it was 2018. I want to say I was living in a one bedroom apartment with all of my family.

So we had my husband and I and twins that were two years old, and my son, he was three to four years old and we were living in a one bedroom apartment. So I had all the reasons why that would be such a miserable experience. But thanks to this specific book really changed the way I saw that experience.

It turns out that that was probably. One of the best times of my life, like that was such a fun time with the children and with my husband. We just learned a lot about ourselves because it was such a small little house. We couldn't hide from each other. That was it. While I was reading this book, I thought, man, someone should start a business like this, like helping people apply these concepts, right?

Clearly I had no idea what coaching was. I had. No idea. And my brain, as soon as I thought of that, I noticed how I had all the excuses why a business like this would never work. You know, it's like, who would want this? Who would want help with applying concepts from books? I mean, you would have Problems with the law, with authors, they would get so upset about you using their books, all the ideas.

And what I noticed then, it was that, Oh, it would only be fun if somebody else did this. If somebody else had a business teaching me how to apply all those concepts, but it never crossed my mind that that somebody could have been me. I didn't even think that that was a possibility. And then fast forward a few months later, I was already moved into this beautiful house.

And I was just, I remember exactly what it was, just walking back and forth towards, you know, through my garage. And I don't know if I was organizing the garage or it was just, you know, taking some trash out, but I remember coming back into the house and I was listening on my AirPods to a podcast and the lady said something like, did you know that you have been trying to lose weight the wrong way?

And I stopped and was like, yeah, I have noticed that. Yeah, I know that. And then she said, it's in my mind, it kind of started like this conversation between the podcast and I, and she said, well, that's because you're trying to do things, like do the things instead of losing weight from the root cause, your brain.

Like, wait, what? That's pretty interesting. Like that was my first. Wait a minute, what is she talking about? Does it mean that I can actually enjoy losing weight? And right then she says, that means you can actually enjoy the process of losing weight. 

Oh my gosh, she was speaking to me, like specifically, we were actually having a conversation and clearly that was the very first.

Coaching program that I've ever bought. It was 500 and I was like, holy cow, this is so cool. And that was when I start really learning about coaching, right? I learned how she was applying some tools and concepts that she has learned with somebody else, like books that she has read, and she was really open about this, but she was helping me apply it in my own life. 

And that was the same thing, same idea of a business that I had a few months back. And it's like, okay, this is what I want to do. So that's almost like following the intuition. Right. And I don't want to say that I wasted a few months before doing this or how much cooler would it be if I had done it myself, but I really. You know, it was the moment of awareness, like, Oh, okay. When I feel something that strongly that maybe I could do it, pay attention to the excuses that the brain's giving me. 

Maybe I can actually go through and do it anyways. So right after that, like a few months later, I got certified as a life coach. And I was so excited about the whole process. It was easy. It was like a full year certification, but I made friends for life. And it was really good for me to learn that I can do this. A little bit before though, I had the certification, I was still listening to that podcast and I was learning so much about those skills. 

And this is kind of a random story and I'm sure this friend, she's listening to this podcast right now. Also. I love you. You know who you are, but here's how my very first client came to my life. So this really good friend, she's such a phenomenal mom. She's an amazing woman. And she texted me one day out of nowhere. Like we haven't really talked. I do think she texted me. She might have called. I would say she texted me because typically when people call me, I don't answer the phone. So I'm guessing she did text. And it was just something like, Hey, how are you? It's been so long, right? Blah, blah, blah. And. Can you help me with my daughter?

I have a question for you. And I was like, well, her daughter's like older than my son, you know, like clearly, like she's already such a good mom. Of course I can't help her. So that was my answer. It's like, well, listen, I can't quite help you with this specific thing, but I am learning some skills and I would love to talk to you about those skills. Like I would just love to explain to you those things that I'm learning. And just like that, I had my very first client and we would talk on a weekly basis, we would, you know, I would teach her what I was learning. 

I would coach her the best way I could. I mean, I wasn't certified or anything yet, but it was just a really good way for me to see the, like, Hey, I can do this. This is actually. Really fun and really good for me. I am good. I can do it. And that's how my very first client and very first idea of having the business came to mind. So yes, then right then I went all in, I got certified and it was amazing. Now, let me tell you how I found the first transformation in my life. Okay. So I'm telling you how it's like learning concepts and teaching other people, but. Your very first client is only always you, like you, the transformation that you see in yourself, that's what matters the most. So I wanted to share with you how that worked for me.

During COVID, like 2020, my kids, you know, we couldn't go anywhere. 

Everything was closed, playgrounds and everything. And I am blessed to have a cemetery right in front of my house. And that became. The place to go every single day, we would wake up in the morning, go, you know, for a little walk at the cemetery just to get some air, some fresh air, get out of the house. And while my children were playing and they were just running and I was just watching them and I was like, well, I wonder if I could run too, like, that would be kind of fun. Like that was just such a random thought. And I looked around, there was no one there. I was like, huh, I wonder if I could run. 

Now, keep in mind, I do live in Boston and everyone here. Right. This is a big thing. It's almost like a, a way for you to, to be a resident of Massachusetts is that you have to run. So I was like, well, do this. Let me just try. So I start running and I was like, I bet I can do like 30 seconds or so. And you know, the app, the, um, from couch to 5k, I think it's the app called or C25 maybe. Anyway, so I looked at that. I was like, okay, 30 seconds. I can totally do, I mean, who couldn't run for 30 seconds?

That's ridiculous. So I go there and I started and I look like when I'm half dead running, I look at my clock, it's like five seconds. It's like, you have got to be kidding me. I have only ran for five seconds. And at that time I was like, huh, I wonder if I put it in my mind that I can run for 30 seconds. I wonder if I really can do it.

And it was just this question, like, huh, I'm not sure if that would actually. be possible. And then I tried again and I couldn't do it for 30 seconds. And then I tried again, it was like maybe 15 seconds and I tried again. And like every time that I was trying, I was celebrating because I could see that I was making a little bit of progress.

And because of the thought, right, on that goal of 30 seconds, I was like, I really believe I can do 30 seconds. Like, this is really hard. And I really do believe I can do it. So I kept on trying. And every time I was like looking around, right, like making sure that no one could see me and I did it. And when I ran the 30 seconds, I was like, yes.

And I was so excited and I was celebrating. I was so proud of myself. And that was the first time I really understood that it's not the goal that matters. Right. And I hear this all of the time, what matters the most is the person that you become when you achieve that goal. And the person that I became when this, you know, 30 second kind of goal, it was that, Holy cow, whatever I put in my mind, I can really do it.

That the thoughts that you have about your life do matter, and those thoughts will create the results that you do have. It's not easy. It took me so many tries, and it took me a lot of shame and embarrassment. I was very embarrassed that I couldn't run for 30 seconds. I had a lot of negative self talk.

Like, how dare you gain this much weight since you moved here? How dare you can't even run 30 seconds? Who are you to be a mother when you can't even play with your children? Like all of those negative self talks that, that I had, I was able to really pay attention to it and, and notice the relationship that I have with myself.

So see, when you're achieving a goal, it's so much more about your relationship with yourself. Then your, your relationship with that, you know, whatever achievement you're trying to get you. So really remember this, it's always about the person that you are becoming in the process of achieving the goal. So no, I didn't become a big runner.

I have never ran a marathon, but that was never my focus anyways. What I really wanted is to have this, like a running life, right? Like I wanted to be a person who ran and I did achieve that. Right after I ran several 5Ks, I have, you know, really gotten better and it got to a point where I was running in the morning and afternoon, uh, close to every single day, I lost like 40 pounds in less than four to six months.

And it was amazing. Now, before you tell me, Oh, it's not the running that helped you lose weight. No, it's not. But again, it's that person that I became. When I start running and I start to be more respectful towards myself and having a better relationship with myself, I was eating better. I was moving my body.

I was doing things that would help me be the type of person that I wanted to be. I actually had a better vision of what type of person I wanted to become. And I was working towards that. Version of myself, that my friend, it's self love. That is really what the goals and what this work is all about. It's for you to really create the deep relationship with yourself.

So one time I was running and my cough, my leg was really sore. You know, when I, while I was running, I was like, Oh my goodness, this hurts so bad and it's so hard to run. And right then I was like, Oh, wait a minute. I'm putting all of my attention to my cough. And, you know, remember what they say, right, where you focus on expense.

So I, I tried right then, I tried to stop focusing on my cough. I was like, I will just focus on my fingers. Right. And that's how it's like, okay, let me, like, as I was running, I was like. Let me focus on my fingers, like whatever, it didn't matter. I just needed to take the focus out of my cough. And I was like feeling, really feeling my, my fingers and the blood going through the fingers and I could feel the vein and I could feel right how the movement would have the air touching it and how cold it would get as I was moving my hand.

And then all of a sudden I noticed that I didn't have the pain anymore. And as soon as I thought that, the pain came back because my focus went there. And it's like, those, you know, again, that's what they were saying in the books, right? They're saying that we're focused on expense and that's, if I see the pain in me, that's what I keep on feeling and keep on noticing. And that goes with everything. If you have a bad relationship with your husband and that's all you're focused on. And every time he opens his mouth, that's the thought that you have that we have a bad relationship. That's what you're focused on.

And that expands that you see so much more of that. And sometimes it's just. You like not forgetting that you have that little pain, right? Like either me with the cough or maybe you with the relationship with your child or your husband. It's not forgetting that you have that, but it's really focusing on something else that you want to feel more of.

And that was, again, a lot of trials and errors, but what I always try to do is to apply these concepts to myself first and make sure that this would be what I really wanted. And I tell you all those things because I really want to show you how much I believe in your transformation. I believe that you really do can achieve whatever that you want, anything that you really want.

Now, I'm not claiming that all you need to do is to believe you can just sit back and wait for it to happen. That's not what I'm saying at all. I know that there are traumas that can happen in childhood. There are traumas that can happen right now in your life, things that are happening in your life right now with your children, with your marriage, you were like, but really.

If you keep focusing on all the reasons why you can do it, that's what you're going to see even more of it. Remember where, what you focus on expands. So if you are seeing reasons why you can do what you really want to do or transform the way you want to transform, those reasons will expand. And that's what I do in, you know, my coaching practice is that I really do teach you how to move that focus, how to start focusing on something else.

Not to pretend that those things never happen, right? Or suppress your thinking and just. Positive thinking and no, not at all, but I want you to focus on the things that you want, because that's what will guide you to achieve the goals that you have. Okay. So let me tell you a little bit about myself now that you know, how I got, how this whole thing got started in my life.

I like to see coaching as like a way to evolve the human. I really like to see that I am an evolved version of myself from five to 10 years ago. I really changed. I have so much better emotional intelligence, that self control. One of the little things that I like doing is watching the short videos on Instagram.

I know that it's so silly, but I love watching little videos of people losing their craft. And I laugh. Because that has happened to me before. It's so embarrassing. Like I have been one of those people that, you know, yelled at somebody in a public place and it's just so embarrassing. I think we all have been there and no, I'm not proud of it, but it's to, to show when, when I see somebody else losing their crap, I'm like, Oh my goodness.

I am so grateful that I am learning the tools to really develop this emotional intelligence. I know now that I can process my emotions. Right. It's so different to be angry and to be frustrated. It should be upset and understand the reason why you feel so upset instead of pointing fingers or blaming everybody else or being confused and having no idea why you're feeling the way you're feeling.

How many times have I exploded before my children? And then it was like, wow, that was overreaction. Right. Did I really need to get this upset because she didn't change her clothes in the morning? So silly, but yes, like without this emotional intelligence, this self control, this understanding who you are and having a good connection with yourself.

It's very hard for you to really keep yourself accountable and keep yourself in track and really feeling the beauty that this life has to offer. It's really hard for you to be present with the life that you have when you don't understand what is happening with you. And when you learn how to take responsibility for the reality that you have right now, take responsibility for the life that you have, it's so much easier to take control over your life experience.

And this is exactly what I want to show you in this podcast. And that's what I would love for us to have together this time that we have here. And even if you never become my client, that's really not the point, but these tools and these concepts have changed my life in such a way, and I have witnessed and I have seen so many people change their lives, like truly becoming a new self because of those tools, and I would love to share those with you.

I hope we can have many, many, many episodes like this, and I will see you next week. You have a phenomenal week. I will see you then. Bye bye. If you enjoyed this episode, make sure to share it with your friends. Share it on social media and make sure to tag me. If you want to go even deeper, go to my website and download the The free booklet with the three simple steps to get out of the rut and start enjoying your life today.

See you next week.

By Thais Glenn February 21, 2025
20. The Art of Future Self vs. The Law of Attraction
By Thais Glenn February 18, 2025
"If you want something you’ve never had, you have to start thinking, feeling, and acting like the person who already has it." "The Law of Attraction makes you hope for change. Future Self Work makes you become the change."
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