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"The most empowering lesson? Freedom to choose. Whether I want to lose weight or not, it’s my choice. There’s no pressure, just the freedom to do what feels right for me."

11. Lessons Learned from Gaining Weight Back

I want to share a very personal and vulnerable journey with you that I hope will resonate and inspire you to love yourself, no matter where you are on your path.

Back in 2020, I lost 40 pounds. It was an exciting and fun journey, and I shared all about it in a previous podcast episode. But life has its twists and turns, and I ended up gaining back 30 of those pounds. You might think this would be a discouraging story, but it's quite the opposite. Let me tell you why.

1. Non-Obsessive Approach to Weight

When I noticed I had gained weight, I was surprised but not devastated. I hadn't been obsessively weighing myself, and this helped me realize that my self-worth isn't tied to a number on the scale. I was able to maintain a healthy relationship with my body by focusing on how I felt rather than what I weighed.

2. Stress and Weight Gain

The year I gained weight back was filled with stress. I had a new job in a toxic environment and was working long hours. I wasn’t eating more, but I was making unhealthy choices and had stopped running. Stress has a significant impact on our bodies, and recognizing this helped me understand that weight gain wasn’t a failure but a response to my circumstances.

3. Solidifying a New Identity

When I lost weight, I had a clear vision of my future self—a healthy, active person who loved running and eating well. But once I reached my goal, I let that vision fade. It's crucial to solidify new identities and make them a part of your daily life. Otherwise, it’s easy to revert to old habits when life gets tough.

4. Acceptance and Self-Love

One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that self-love isn’t about how you look. Whether I’m at my ideal weight or 30 pounds heavier, I still love myself. Your worth isn’t determined by your physical appearance. This mindset shift has been liberating and has helped me maintain a positive outlook.

5. Mindset Over Diet

Losing and maintaining weight is more about your mindset than your diet. I haven't gained any more weight since my initial gain because I've accepted where I am. I know that when I’m ready, I can lose the weight again. This confidence comes from understanding that weight loss is a mental game, not just a physical one.

6. Embracing Different Seasons of Life

Life comes in seasons—some are easy, some are challenging. During the pandemic, life was less stressful, and I found it easy to lose weight. But when work and stress increased, I gained weight. Accepting these fluctuations without judgment has been key to maintaining my mental health.

7. Freedom in Choice

Perhaps the most empowering lesson is knowing that I have the freedom to choose. I can decide to lose weight or not, and both choices are okay. There’s no pressure, only the choice to do what feels right for me.

My Intention with this blog post:

I hope these insights inspire you to embrace your journey, whatever it looks like. Remember, your worth isn’t tied to your weight. You are important and beautiful just as you are. If you take one thing away from this post, let it be this: love yourself at every stage, and give yourself the freedom to be you.

Thank you for joining me on this journey.

If you enjoyed this post, please share it with your friends and leave a comment below.

make sure you are listening (and following my podcast - Get Out of The Rut!!

 See you next time!

Journaling Prompts:

01. Reflect on a time when you achieved a significant goal. How did you feel when you reached it, and how did you maintain or struggle with that success?

02. How do you typically react to stress? Are there patterns in how stress affects your body or your behavior?

03. What are your current thoughts and feelings about your body? How do these thoughts impact your daily life and self-esteem?

04. When you experience setbacks, how do you typically respond? What can you learn from these responses about your mindset and resilience?

05. In what ways do you practice self-care? How can you incorporate more self-care practices into your routine to support your mental and physical health?

06. What does self-love mean to you? Write about a time when you felt unconditional love for yourself, regardless of your circumstances.

07. How do you balance different goals in your life? Reflect on a time when you focused heavily on one goal and how it impacted other areas of your life.

08. What does freedom of choice mean to you in the context of your health and wellness? How can you empower yourself to make choices that align with your values and desires?

09. Imagine your future self who has achieved your current goals. Describe this future self in detail. What daily habits and mindsets does this future self have that you can start cultivating today?

10. Think about your self-identity. How do you see yourself now, and how does this identity influence your actions and decisions?

If you want to download these questions and answer it slowly, click on the download button below:

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By Thais Glenn 03 Aug, 2024
12. The Judgment in "Just do it"
By Thais Glenn 03 Aug, 2024
11. Lessons Learned from Gaining Weight
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