Get Out of the Rut - Episode # 22
How to Make Your Goals Inevitable (and Actually Enjoy the Journey)
Hey guys, welcome to March. I am so glad you're here. And if you know me well enough, and I think you do know, a few weeks ago I recorded an episode about how you can review your month. And really understand, right, like what has happened this last month.
And I personally like to see my whole year as a book. That is a season in your life, right? We have seasons where we are more on the go, go, go. We have seasons like when my twins were first born. It was really that season of Staying in and really soaking in everything that life with children had to give me.
Like we have different seasons and it's really hard sometimes when you don't see what that season is that we just try to do a lot of things in the wrong state. Right. Maybe, you know, sometimes you see, I see clients or even myself when my twins were first born and I was like, you know what I should do, I should start a new business and it was like, bad idea.
And I tried and it was fun. And I actually. I did succeed, but looking back, maybe that wasn't the best time of my life to start a photography business, right, when my twins were first born. So anyways, that's one of the reasons why I'm such a big fan of really slowing down at the end of the month and taking a really good look at what has happened that month, right?
So if your whole year is a book, the months would be chapters, and then I get really sick
And I like to do the very last Friday of the month, I like to have a little meeting with myself where we sit down, me, my present self, with my past self and with my future self, right? And I actually do have this whole conversation, I lighten the candle and I have a little fun time together, and I would invite you to do something similar to this.
And one of the questions that I like to think through and really get to understand from the past self perspective is what has changed this month, right? When I get to look at the beginning of February and I can see where I was in January, what was I doing? What was happening in January? And I get to read my one page report of January and remember the dreams and the desires that that self on February 1st had for the month.
And I get to look right now and see where are we? What has happened? Like, what changed? And I always think that those exercises are fascinating, right, really getting to see because, guess what, you are all of that, you are your past self, you are your present self, you are your future self, right? There's not one that is better than the other or one that is bad.
I used to really feel bad about my past self and think that the past self should have done things differently. But now when I look with the compassion and love and, Just like I just want to hug that past self and say, that was cool. Look at all of the dreams that you've had. And one thing that I did have for my past self on February 1st is that when I was looking at her, it was like the very beginning in her mindset of.
You know, I think I need to change my body a little bit, right? And again, I have recorded another podcast explaining my weight gain and what has happened with my body, right? How the stress has played a huge role on me gaining weight and In February, I wrote for the very first time in a very long time that I wanted to lose weight.
And that became my goal, became something that I start being more focused. You probably know that I am a certified weight loss coach, but I absolutely, and I say it again, I absolutely despise coaching on weight loss because I don't believe that it's what you eat or what you don't eat that gets you with the weight gain or loss.
And I see it in my past. I see when I lost 40 pounds in six months and I see when I gained this 30 pounds in like three years. I know that it's not necessarily what I was. I was putting in my mouth that was the problem, but it was really the relationship with myself. Right? I call it that self respect and self love.
And I can actually pinpoint some times, some events that happen where I was not putting myself first. Right? I wasn't thinking clearly and intentionally how much I wanted to take care of myself. And uh, Yeah. That is, to me, one of the first ways of setting goals. It's having the intentionality. And again, one of the best ways for you to stop living on the autopilot, right?
Like having the same old, same old. If you think of even weight loss as an example, right? Or to a goal that you want to achieve as a weight loss, it has to have that time where we decided to make a change. But what happened for me before, especially before coaching, is that the idea of whatever goal that I would like to have, it was this, because I don't have this, I want it.
Weight loss, as an example, again, because I don't like the body I have. I have to lose this weight and do something else. And from many years of experience, I know that that doesn't work. And that is exactly what I wanted to talk to you. So before I talk to you about this setting goals and how can you achieve those bigger goals, I want to tell you what I am doing.
And you have a little homework to do for me, if you want to participate with me. So last week on the podcast, I hinted, not just hinted, I actually told you what was happening, but I am going for this goal now. I have decided from the beginning of February, I have decided that maybe it is my time, this season of my life.
To really shaken up my mindset and do things differently around my health because I want to lose some weight and I want to invite you to come with me. I want you to participate in this journey because when I had lost a lot of weight, really fast, really fun, really easy, no one believed me, and I had a therapist of all people.
that told me this. She's like, why don't you share with your followers how you're losing weight? And I was really like, I'm not sure how that would work. What if it doesn't work? And well, now I know, not because I know how to lose weight, but now I know that when you set your mind to achieving a goal, It can be inevitable, and I will teach you how to make that inevitable.
So I am welcoming you to come with me, and I would love for you to have one goal, and we will go together. I don't know for how long, maybe it's one week, maybe it's 12 weeks, maybe it's a whole six months, I don't know. But I want to bring you behind the scenes of how my brain works to achieve any goal.
that you have. My goal so happens to be weight loss. So especially if you have that inking to losing some weight and you want to do it with me, I would invite you to go to my Instagram at Thais Glenn Coaching and send me a DM where you say close friends and I will add you to my group of close friends and I will walk you through all of my thoughts process and truthfully the whole.
The whole shebang, everything that I do to lose weight or to achieve six figures in my business or to achieve, you know, many other things that I have achieved in my personal life and in my business with the same framework. So I will teach you all about it completely free. You don't even need to give me your email address if you don't want to, right?
That's why I'm doing it on Instagram. Because if you're like, let me just check this out. I am not too sure you don't even need to share your email with me. I really wanted you to see how this works because I think when you see the thought process behind of achieving a goal this way, you really understand how this works and you'll get to apply it in your own life.
Of course, I am here to help you and I want to guide you and walk with you like holding your hand and going together. And that's what I do in my program. But this is not a sales pitch. I really want to show you. That there is a different way for you to approach how to achieve goals if you want to. Okay, with that being said, today, I really wanted to talk to you about how do you know that you're ready to achieve a goal?
How do you think about it? The first thing I would say is that I like to see the difference, the shift in energy of how I approach the goal that I want to approach. And this can go with. Any goal that you might have. So the two, the big ones that I coach quite a bit, it's how to start a business. So how to make money in your business and how to lose weight.
And even though I always say that I don't like coaching in weight loss. I do have a lot of weight loss clients because I don't want to say simple, but it's such a goal that it almost holds a lot of people in it, where like you get tangled up on the idea that you have to lose weight, you have to change your body.
And the first thing that I would like to get you thinking and how to think differently of goals is that for you to be ready to start a goal, it cannot come from scarcity. Right? It cannot come from this place of, I don't have it. And that's where I was last year with the weight loss. I really, like, I noticed the weight gain.
I noticed some rolls. I noticed a little bit of a double chin coming up, right? Like I noticed those things changing, but every time I thought of, Oh my gosh, I really should lose some weight. It came the scarcity in it. It came the heaviness. That, like, the dread, this is bad, I don't want to do this, right?
And then you start thinking poorly about myself. They're like, I don't look great. I shouldn't be this way. How dare you? And all the story just gets you stuck in that scarcity. It gets you stuck in that, I actually say, very dark energy, that it's just not a fun place to be. And just. end of February, when I had that meeting with my past self, that I was like, Oh, honey, thank you so much for giving me the idea to do this.
Thank you for being prepared. Thank you for really deciding to see the journey of weight loss in a different light. Because now, right, fast forward a month, I feel great. I feel energized. I feel ready to really take this journey, even with you guys, right? Taking you with me so we can go together. Because I was able to change instead of thinking of, I have to, or I need to lose weight, or make money in the business, right?
This heaviness of I have to, or I need to, I was like, you know, I don't have to. I'm fine. I get to, I mean, I just got, you know, to the doctors and my blood results are fine. My body mass was fine, there was nothing too worrisome that the doctor was like looking at me and said, you have to lose some weight, right?
Everything was fine. So it's like, okay, if I don't have to, why do I want to? And that became very fun. So when we start changing this, right, I am ready because I want to have a slimmer body. Those are the thoughts that were coming to my mind. I want to have a slimmer body. I just suffered from a really bad back pain a couple weeks ago.
I couldn't walk, you guys. It was like a week and a half where it was so hard to even walk and I was crying in the middle of the day just from my back pain. I was like, you know, that's what I don't want. I want to have a strong back. I want to have strong legs. I want to run. And I started remembering things that I really liked doing when I was, you know, And one of the things is that I was running every single day and I loved it.
I felt free. I felt like running was my meditation and that is the energy that I wanted to get back to. Okay. So that's how we start to see that I am ready to go for a goal. Not because. I have to, because I'm not good enough, and I have to change things. It's more of, oh no, because I can, because I am good enough, because I'm actually great, because I'm so amazing, that I can do something even bigger than what I thought was possible.
And that gets me to the next way of seeing the goal differently. A lot of times I would start goals, especially weight loss, thinking that I will fail. Thinking that that is impossible, right? Or even making money in your business. You already set that goal of making six figures, but on the back of your mind, you're like, that's not going to happen.
You know what I mean? Like, I really have to lose weight, but I know I'm not gonna. Okay, that right there is the shift that I would invite you to start considering. And the thought that I have used with myself, especially in this month of February, and especially when I decided that I would bring you back behind the scenes with me to watch me doing this, the thought is, It's inevitable.
I truly believe that it's literally inevitable that I will achieve the goal. Now, will achieve it in 12 weeks? I hope so. Will achieve the goal in six months? I don't know. Okay. But in all of those things, I will talk to you more on my Instagram and the following podcasts, especially the inevitable. But when you go into a goal thinking that there's no other way, other than you achieving the goal.
Right? It makes everything so much simpler and truthfully, more fun to do it. One of the ways that I like thinking is, when I was pregnant with my first son, I had the goal to get this baby out of me, and I knew it was inevitable. Like, he was going to come out. And for You know, a few times during the pregnancy, I was a little bit like, what the heck?
What if? What if I can't do this? What if it's too hard? What if I die? What if, right? Like, I had all the what ifs, but what kept me going is that, no, no, no, it's inevitable. He's going to come out no matter what, right? There is one way or the other, he will come out. So, the question became, what can I do to make it the easiest, the most enjoyable process throughout the whole pregnancy?
So, throughout the journey of achieving the goal. That's the same way I would invite you to start thinking about any goal that you might want to pick. So it's inevitable. If it is inevitable that I will lose 30 pounds by X amount of days, if that is inevitable, what can I do right now to make the journey more enjoyable?
Because let me tell you, saying that I can't eat sugar and flour, it's not the way. It's truly not the way. I do not believe that you can Just, I mean, it's not true that I don't believe you can be happy losing weight without sugar and flour because I actually did it before and I actually liked it. As I said that out loud, I was like, no, wait a minute, I had a time in my life where I wasn't eating sugar and flour and I actually quite enjoyed it.
So what was I thinking at that time that got me enjoying that journey? Because right now I can't even imagine that that is possible. Okay, that's where I am. So. We'll talk more about this later on. It's inevitable that you can make money in your business. So if that is inevitable, what can you do right now to enjoy this process of starting out, creating your business, and marketing your business, and doing all the things that you need to do to make more money in your business?
Okay, start thinking about that way. If you get to a goal already thinking that you're going to fail, and that is impossible for you to achieve, What is the point? You're just perpetuating the whole idea that you don't like yourself. Let me find different ways to beat myself up. Okay, another way that I like thinking about goals is when I say that I can approach that with curiosity.
I literally think of sprinkling the curiosity into the goals because I get to see it differently. So there's one thought that I have noticed a lot of my clients, and I have used that too, is to say things like, well, I have lost weight in the past. So I know how, but I'm not doing it right like that is such a judgmental way of going for a goal.
I know what to do. Why don't I do it? And here's the thing, even though you might have done that before, I guarantee you don't know how to do it right now because you have done this in a different body. Like maybe you lost some weight. ten years ago, or five years ago, and you regain, your body's different, your mind is different.
You are literally a different person, right? There's this whole thing, this whole theory, that all of your cells and everything in your body changes within ten years. So, literally, you're not the same human being from ten years ago. And when I think of my mind, where my mind was, my mindset, 10 years ago, oh my goodness, I was 30 years old.
I was just having my first child. Like the things that I feared, so different than the person I am today. And even when I lost a lot of weight, it was about five years ago in 2020. Thinking about that Thais and these Thais, so different. A hundred percent of my circumstances have changed. Even the fact that before.
Five years ago, my kids were very little and they would run with me and they would be playing the playground while I ran. And right, like it was a whole different structure of time that got me to running the way I was running. Nowadays, there's no way I can get my kids to a playground to wait for me for 40 minutes.
It's playing in, you know, swing sets while I go for a run. So therefore, it's not the same person. It's not the same circumstance. The curiosity comes when I accept that I don't know how to do it. But I will figure this out, okay? That's the difference. So when you get to sprinkle the curiosity in your goals, knowing that it's inevitable, I can just come without wonder.
It's like, I don't know. I don't know if I'm going to lose the weight today. Like, I weighed myself this morning. I don't know if tomorrow will be one pound less or half a pound less. I don't know. But I know that it's inevitable. So if I keep doing what I'm doing, if I keep on tweaking things, if I keep on loving and respecting myself, I know I will achieve the goal that I have.
Okay, that's how we sprinkle curiosity. So now I have talked to you about how to think about your goal differently, right? How to think, like, how to get, how to be, how, how can you acknowledge that you're ready to achieve the goals? So not from scarcity, right, like you have the abundance that I want to instead of I have to.
I talked about making it inevitable and also sprinkling curiosity. Now let me talk to you about a few basic principles that I noticed in the beginning of my career. the month, beginning of February, that I was like, okay, those are the things that I really need to consider as basic principles. And with my clients, I always tell them to make peace with those concepts.
Okay. First of all, you lose weight or any goals that you might have, right? Lose weight or make money in your business, really sell the market, your business, you. Achieve goals out of love for yourself. If you're trying to achieve a goal because you think you're not good enough, unless you have that, okay, you will perpetuate the nightmare that the misery that is to go for a goal.
So the first thing, it's out of love for yourself, and the second one is out of respect for yourself. Because I respect myself, right, Thais, so much, I would drink more water today. Out of love and respect for myself, I am not going to eat a full bag of Cheetos sitting on the couch watching Netflix at midnight.
Okay, out of love and respect. Not because it's bad, not because I don't deserve, not because I am bad. It's because, wait a minute, right, like, that's the curiosity and the love. It's like, my body deserves good rest. My body does not deserve to be, you know, tired from a full day of work and then Laying down on the couch like a slob, eating a bunch of chips.
I know you know what I'm talking about. Watching, you know, the 10th episodes of Suits on the same day. It's disrespectful to myself, okay? So that's how I start to approach the goals differently. And that goes with the journey. What it creates, it creates a better connection with yourself. Remember how my back was really hurting?
I deserve to sit with a nice posture on the couch so my back doesn't hurt. Because I deserve, out of love and respect for myself, I deserve to do those things really well thought out. Another thing that I think, as a basic principle, I really like having fun. I think life, in general, can be very hard, especially when you grow up and you become an adult.
It's like, holy cow, that's a lot of things happening, a lot, all at the same time. So if I can make the journey a little bit easier and more fun, I will do it. So setting up a goal, I always like to think that the journey of achieving the goal is where your life is. The life doesn't start when I achieve.
When I lose 30 pounds, then life starts. It's like, no, the life is throughout the whole journey. So I need to really think of how can I make the best, the easiest, the most fun of this journey so that I can achieve the goal that I want. And that's where the curiosity and wonder comes in. Right? It's when you make it fun.
It's like, if I am having fun, I don't care if it's happening today or tomorrow, but it's like, when will the number go down? When I will make a sale in my business? When will this happen? I wonder if it's today? I wonder. Right? I wonder if today I'll make a sale. What can I do to make a sale in my business?
What can I do to get the number and the scale changing a little bit today? Can I drink more water? Can I take a hot bath? What is it that I can do? Okay? That's when you're adding a little bit more of the curiosity and wonder to make the journey more fun and exciting. Another thing that I really like thinking when I'm doing goals and I'm really, Going through the journey of goals is to make it easy.
It's really important to me. Because even though I know I can do hard things, I don't like doing hard things. So I like to ask myself, What is hard about it? I hear this all the time. Losing weight is hard. And really, think about it. What is hard about it? Be really honest with yourself. Oh, I can't eat that much.
Okay, what is hard about not eating that much? Well, I'm hungry. Okay, when was the last time you were hungry? Do you even know what was hard about being hungry? Was a little bit uncomfortable in your stomach? Were you in a little bit of a bad mood? Were you maybe not having enough water? And if you drink some water, you would be fine, right?
And the same thing about building businesses. It's like, oh, it's so hard to build a business. What is hard about it? Because when we make, when you have the main story that it's too hard to achieve the goal, your brain wants easy. Your brain does not want to put a lot of effort on doing things, right? It wants to protect you.
So it really pushes it away, the idea that I have to do hard things. You know what is hard thing? It's when You get a divorce and you have to figure your life. That's like, okay, now we have a lot going on at the same time. That might be a little bit harder. Wait, your brain doesn't like it. And that's why so many people stay in very unhappy marriage for a very long time, because they repel doing something very, very hard.
It's the same thing here. Okay, so really ask yourself, when your brain offers that things are too hard for you, ask yourself, what is hard about it? What if it's not hard? What if it can be easy? What if it can be fun? What if it can be exciting? What if I can add more wonder and curiosity to make it even more exciting?
All of a sudden, you are losing weight and having an exciting life. Okay, that is just in your mindset. That's just how you change the thoughts about it. And again, I talked a little bit before that the connection with yourself, that's what I love the most about goals. It's that you get to see what fear feels like.
Right? You, you feel what the urge of eating a cookie and deciding not to because you have that vision, right? That connection with yourself is the coolest thing about achieving a goal. And then, my friend, is how you add the love and respect for yourself. Okay? You don't love and respect people that you don't know.
And a lot of people that I coach, a lot of them, a lot, when they first come to me as my clients, they don't even know themselves. Right? They don't know. They don't know who they are. They don't know what they like. They don't know what they want to do or who they want to become. Okay? So it's really hard for you to have the sense of love and respect for someone who you don't even know.
It's kind of like that I was talking to someone once. She was, you know, kind of like complaining in a cute way, where there's this guy who runs in front of her house every day without a shirt. And she was like, I don't want to see his body. Like I shirtless man walking in front of my house every day. And I was like, well, okay, fine.
What if you learned a little bit about this person and you found out that he was very, you know, diabetic and he was really close to losing his legs and then he had this whole transformation and he, you know, was able to transform his life and he's eating his everything. And then. He was able to beat that, you know, type of diabetes that was really bringing him down.
And now he, after this whole transformation, he's able to really get back to life. And now he's losing all this weight and he gets to run every day and he was so proud of himself. And that's why he, you know, runs without his shirt on every day. And she's like, well, if I knew that was the case, I would have what love and respect.
Okay, that's the point here. Maybe you still don't want to see him half naked running in front of your house, but it changes the way you see that person. It's the same thing with you. If you're just like, oh, who's this slob who eats whatever she wants and who doesn't care about anything? I, right, like, I don't even care about her.
But then when you shift how you see yourself and create that deeper connection with you, with who you are. And then all of a sudden you're developing the love and respect for yourself. Now you have a deeper connection with that self, right? With the uppercase S, right? The real self. And you just create the whole awareness in your whole body.
I still remember the first time I felt hunger. Like that I actually sat down. And I was like, oh, this is hunger, this is what I feel, this is how my stomach growls, right? And those are the hormones making it growl. Wow, that is so fascinating to just get to know my body for the first time. Or when I was really working on the urge of eating cookies, and I would like get my hands close to that, the jar, and I would feel like, almost feel the blood flowing in my arms because I could feel the urge almost taking over my whole body to make sure I would eat that cookie that I wanted so bad.
And I was like, Oh, I actually don't have to eat the cookie. That's ridiculous. Like, why is my body really? Trying to get it so fast. Well, I got to meet the urge for the very first time in 35 years. That's the awareness that we want to create with your body. And again, it's the same thing as if you're listening more with like creating your business.
It's the same thing. It's so easy to say like, oh, I'm too afraid of posting on social media. But when was the last time that you actually felt the fear? of posting on social media and thinking that that is too hard and never being able to do it, right? Can you slow time down and really feel what the fear feels like in your body?
Because then you get to decide if that is really hard for you or not. And maybe it is, right? If you have that much social anxiety or whatever. It might be too hard for you, so we have other things to do at that point, but get to know that. Okay? And then the last thing I would say about this is that it's so important for you to have the sense of pride that you can achieve whatever you want.
It's the opposite of shame, of feeling ashamed of there's nothing I can do, this is my body, it's just what it is, I can't do anything, like I'm not good enough. That's shameful. We don't want that. We really want to create the other sense of pride. Pride, the sense of I can do it. I am good enough. Not only that, I'm great.
I can achieve whatever you want. It's inevitable that I get to achieve whatever goal that I put my mind to. Okay. That's what I have for you today. So if you are curious to do this work with me, I invite you to go to my Instagram at Thaís Glenn Coaching, and you send me a message and say. Close friends, and I'm only promoting this on the podcast.
So the only way you can hear about this is through the podcast. And I know that you will already be more familiar with my work and what I do, and we will do that together. So I cannot wait to see you. We started on Friday, the day that this podcast comes out, but send me the message and you have access to everything that I'm putting out there for how to achieve the goal in a very easy and fun way.
I cannot wait to see you. Pretty soon on my Instagram. Much love to you. I'll see you later. Bye bye.